Seeing pictures of Cate and Winnie in the hospital brought back all my memories from being there a little more than a year ago. Parts of it seem like yesterday and others like a century ago. So much has changed. Look at this little boy waiting for his dinner (not always that patiently).

Baby Miles is not so much a baby anymore. He is a little boy who just got his bangs trimmed, drinks milk out of a cup, crawls up the stairs all day long, has 6.5 teeth, and eats beans and rice for dinner. Much easier to manage than those first couple of months. Memories, some of which are hazy and buried under a blanket of sleep deprivation, and others that are crystal clear. The moment we left the hospital and felt like we just came out of of movie theater, all
disoriented and reminded that life was as
usual outside (you mean time didn't stop?) while we were bringing a new life into the world, a life that we were responsible for. Holy shit.
The moments where Frank would come home from work and I was still laying in bed breastfeeding. Yes, that's all we did (with tiny naps in between). Or the few times I just started crying for no discernible reason. Or the moment when Miles smiled the very first time.

These days I am just amazed at how much you have developed, how smart you are, and how much you eat!
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