
Bella is Hilarious

No words requried. Filmed in November.


8 Months and the story about your name

You just surpassed your 8th month of life and you seem pretty happy with things. You constantly have a big smile on your face which is intoxicating. I never thought about how Miles and Smile resemble each other, almost the same word in a sense. This reminds me that I haven't yet shared with you how we selected your name. I was in high school when I heard the name for the first time. My then art teacher (actually she was a substitute teacher) had a son named Miles. Throughout the years the name has stuck with me. Not to be too corny, but the name just made me smile. I knew I wanted a little Miles some day. We weren't sure about a girl's name so once we knew you were a boy, the choice for me was clear. Luckily your dad liked the name too. Everyone thinks we called you after Miles Davis. With your dad being a Jazz album collector and owner of every Miles Davis recording, the association makes sense, but it's not why we called you Miles. Thinking of Jazz musicians, I also really like the names Mingus and Ella. I don't think your dad would let me use those names though, people might think we are obsessed. Anyways, that's that.

In the last couple of weeks you have been working hard on your bottom two teeth. One of them is almost all the way out and the other one is following closely. Thankfully, it hasn't been bothering you too much.

Your fine motor skills have advanced drastically. You take your hands/fingers deliberatly to touch/grasp something. You hold on to your toys and investigate them closely. You also figured out how to clap and love to do it.

Our new favorite thing is to take baths together. It's hard to imagine how we all three fit into the tub, but we do and it's a blast. Floating in warm water with soft baby, skin to skin. It's wonderful.

You continue to creep around the room and sometimes you position yourself to crawl (but you don't quiet know how to yet). You can pretty much go and get whatever you want, if we let you. A good way to get you to move around is to place a bottle of milk within close proximity. You will do whatever it takes to go and get it. It's fun to watch you do that. You are very serious about your bottle. You know exactly what it is and if you only see it, you want it immediately like you haven't eaten anything all day.

It's Christmas time, but honestly it doesn't really feel like it. We didn't put up a tree this year since we will be out of town over the holiday. Since Thanksgiving we have been really busy and it didn't seem worth it to get a tree. I took some eucalyptus branches from the yard and hang some ornaments on it. At least you get to enjoy a beautiful tree with colorful lights at day care every day.

Up & Down

You absolutely love the "Johnny Jump Up." When we first put you in it a couple of weeks ago you didn't really know what to do. Now, you can't get enough of jumping up and down and turning around. This little video is unfortunately sideways again. One day we'll get a better camera. Turn up the volume for some Christmas cheer.


Pump & Dump

I had to dump out about 60 oz of breastmilk the other day. It's like throwing away hard earned cash. Hard. And no, it's not because I had a night out and too much to drink. The fridge in my hotel room must have not been working properly while I was at that conference last week. When I got back home I noticed that all of the milk had a funny, well disgusting, smell. Breastmilk isn't supposed to smell like anything. I am glad that I noticed it though before making you eat expired milk.

Speaking of breastmilk, I think we are approaching the end of breastfeeding. It's not over yet, but we are getting close. While at the conference, I got increasingly lazy about pumping when I should have. It doesn't take long for the supply to slip away, and it's hard to get it back. I haven't mentioned yet that your first tooth made it's appearance a couple of weeks back. And yes, you have bitten down, hard. It's only happened once so far. Ouch!!! I couldn't help but cry out. You looked at me confused followed by a big smile. I wasn't smiling and have been anxious about that happening again. You are also very distracted now when breastfeeding, constantly looking away at what else is happening...wait was that bella that just walked by (you turn head and look)? or oh, wait, is that papa going up the stairs?
Since last week, I am making half the milk during the day than what I used to. I don't think it will come back. I was actually hoping that we would find the right time to stop together, which I feel like we are. I didn't have a plan to how long I would breastfeed. The plan was to wait and see.

I am thankful that we have come this far without real complications or infections. Sure it was painful the first 10 days, but that was to be expected. High five, son!


Away again

Thank you Cate for making me the fabulous new masthead (blog header)!

I am currently on the 27th floor of the Marriott Hotel in Baltimore. I have been here since Tuesday and will get to go back home on Saturday. Long time to be away from you and Frank :(

Fortunately, this is a very exciting gathering of my peers, people that work to promote and support arts education around the country. It's a very interesting and inspiring group. It's the type of conference that gets me all excited about what I do. It reminds me of the big picture and the impact we have. It's easy to forget the importance and impact of our work as sometimes it seems like I am just shuffling papers and answering emails all day. It's easy to get lost in the daily routine just going through the motions, day after day. It's nice to get a chance to refuel and re-energize.

It's even more important for me right now to know that I am doing something worthwhile. It helps me to justify being so far away from you, not just now but every day.

It will be interesting to see what you will end up doing one day. I know I am thinking far, far, ahead, but I can't help but wonder. Most importantly, I hope that it will be something you are passionate about, no matter how challenging it might be.

Shortly I am off to a reception at an amazing museum here called the Visionary Art Museum, one of my favorite places.


Baby on board

We have been looking forward to showing you the ocean ever since you were born. We love the ocean - it's were we met, where we got married. We didn't take you there before Thanksgiving, as it is a long 6 hour drive to Charleston. The days leading up to the trip, I was quiet nervous. What if you wouldn't sleep and fussed the whole time? How would we all fit into our car with Bella (LARGE DOG) in the back (which meant the stroller stayed at home)? Would you be able to sleep in the travel bed? What if the whole thing would turn into one big stress fest, hurrying from one house to the next with an unhappy baby?

The weekend before the long awaited trip, symptoms of the cold arrived. Papa and I were suffering from a soar throat, congestion, etc. In addition to my already long list of worries about this trip, I was stressing out and started to think that maybe we better stay home. Since we were getting sick, I was convinced that you would end up with a cold as well (you never did).
Even though it seemed impossible, we proceeded to leave Tuesday night around 6pm. I felt absolutely miserable but was willing to do whatever it took to get there. Long story short, we had a rough start to what was a wonderful trip. You and Bella slept the whole way there and the drive didn't even seem all that long (non-drowsy cold medicine worked pretty well too). We arrived around 12:30am Wednesday. After we got you out of the car seat and changed your diaper you were wide awake and smiling. We were all very happy to be there and very tired.

We woke up to glorious weather on our first day. Temperatures were in the low 70's and we automatically felt much better. You enjoyed hanging out on the waterfront park and you seemed to like your first glimpses of Charleston. That evening you were surrounded by lots of family at the annual Thanksgiving oyster roast. You fell asleep at your normal bedtime in my arms. You didn't mind sleeping in other arms either. Here with Sidney, your second cousin:

Thursday we all went to the beach. It wasn't as warm as the previous day and more overcast, but the air from the ocean still felt great and Bella got more exercise than she gets all year long. Hopefully that made the trip for he worth it as well.

After two very relaxing hours on your aunt Angie's dock, we went over to your great uncle's house for a delicious Thanksgiving dinner. There, you met some more family and enjoyed hanging out with everyone. You had quiet a large meal of pears yourself.

Friday we spent most of the day with grandma Margaret. You even took a nap on her very high bed :)

Here we are at the coolest wine bar in Charleston enjoying very good wine and food until 9:45pm. You fell asleep at your normal time in my arms while I was enjoying some more wine and nice live music.

I am extremely impressed how well you adjust to all different kinds of places and situations. None of it seems to face you and when you are tired you will sleep no matter where you happen to be. Reminds me of myself. I can drink a cup of coffee and go to sleep pretty much anywhere.

The next day we drove another 3 hours to Patrick's house for another awesome Thanksgiving dinner. Yup, you slept again the whole time even though we drove in the middle of the day. This year the food seemed especially good. With the turkey, which was fried, we had Persian style rice with pomegranate seeds, cranberry chutney with ginger, buttery carrots, and onions cooked in balsamic vinegar. The combination of flavors were perfect. Desert was Deidei's tiramisu. You were sitting in a high chair at the head of the table next to your cousins Louise and Violette. It was precious to see you sitting there with everyone, like you have always been with us. Moments like these are still incredible to me. Here you are enjoying Thanksgiving dinner with your family when last year this time I barely looked pregnant. Giving and living life is exciting.

Sunday we spent the day lounging around and eating some more. We left to drive back home close to your bedtime. You slept the whole way again. You didn't even wake up during the hour long traffic jam.

None of my worries about the trip were an issue. I am extremely relieved to know that we can easily do this trip again. Can't wait until we will be there again in a couple of weeks for Christmas for some more family love and fresh ocean air.
I am sure not every trip will be as smooth as this one, but I am thankful that our first trip was such a great experience.


Breaking news

I just finished a hat for Miles that actually fits (at least for a couple of weeks!). The first one I made was way too small and will be gifted. I am quiet happy with all its charm of imperfections :)

I am hoping to make a little sweater for him next. It is extremely satisfying to make clothes for him. Knitting is something I learned way back in 6th grade but haven't really done it since. I still have and wear the socks I made when I was 12. Luckily, it didn't take long to pick up the basics of knitting again. The great thing about making baby clothes is that they don't take too long to make. Time is not plentiful these days.

My favorite clothes Miles wears are the ones (hats, cardigans, sweaters, socks) people have made, most of which are hand me downs from my sibling's kids. I am hoping that the clothes I make for Miles will eventually be worn by the next baby in the extended family. Maybe they will even last until Miles has kids.


Where is time?

This is to tell you that I don't have time to report on the awesome Thanksgiving trip we had. I added a few pictures to the slideshow - see upper right. You can click on it to see the picture in a larger format. There are way more pictures, but I haven't had time to add them yet. Plus it took me way too long to figure out how to add the slideshow. Anyway, this weekend will hopefully offer some free time (does that still exist?) for me to add pictures and tell you all about how "Super Miles" was super.


Places to go, Things to see

I put you on your blanket in the living room with all your toys and go into the kitchen to make my breakfast. A couple of minutes later I come back and see that you have made your way UNDER the coffee table!! This must be your way of celebrating your 7 month birthday. I couldn't believe my eyes. You also managed to take some of your toys with you including this wooden horse on wheels that was given to me as a kid. I am amazed that you can move around like that now (I am sure you are too).

It's hilarious to see you scoot around on the floor. You have also hit your head a few times which has left big bumps on your head. It doesn't seem to hurt you though as you never cry when that happens. It seems hard for you not to move around even when you drink your bottle. You end up turning onto your stomach only to become frustrated as you can't drink that way. Sitting up by yourself is not your favorite thing to do. You can almost hold your own balance, but you rather explore the world scooting around.


Sunshine all around

Three-day weekends are the absolute best. There is time for a little bit of everything.

Marie, Clay & Daphne came to visit from New York. It was exciting to see Daphne meet you for the first time. I grew up with her and her twin sister Vera. We share wonderful memories together which will connect us for the rest of our lives. I hope you will make friends like that.
It's surreal to think about when we would talk about what we might do when we grow up or what we might be like, and how much fun it will be when our kids play together.

After dropping Daphne off in Washington, DC, we went over to our friends Marc and Jia who are expecting their little boy in early February - another future buddy of yours. Sunday we spent the entire day at home, which was nice after two busy and lively days.



Another work trip behind me. I have a major Miles deficit which I won't really get to "fix" until the weekend or ever. By the time we get home each evening, we have two hours with each other before you go to bed.

When I came home last night, you were laying on the sofa drinking your last bottle. Your eyes sparkled and you made your gurgle happy to see you sounds when you saw me just like when we pick you up from day care. It's heartbreaking.

What I know for sure is that you are well taken care off at your day care. We couldn't be happier with the women that cares for you and I know you like her too. I feel extremely lucky that I found her. However, it doesn't diminish the feeling of guilt knowing that you spend more time with her than with us.



Our first Halloween was a blast. We went for a walk in a neighborhood that goes all out for Halloween. The decorations were fantastic and some actually succeeded at being creepy. It was the kind of atmosphere that made me want to be a kid again. Crowds of kids and their parents filled the streets, the air was crisp but not chilly, and pumpkins in various moods looked on. I can't wait for next year when Miles can actually walk up to the homes and get us some candy.

Here is super-pumpkin about to take off:

I somehow managed to have two heads - pretty scary!


First word?

Aaaabbbaabbbabbabbaaaabbbbaa....that's what you keep saying. I think it sounds like Mama, but that's just me.

You have been the super happy baby lately, gurgling, babbling, and giggling. Check it out for yourself:

Note: Sorry for the angle, I didn't know that it would do that when I changed camera from horizontal to vertical...oops.



Sometimes you make the funniest faces!



Our daily routine has changed several times since you were born, especially our bedtime routine. It seems like everytime we get used to it, you decide to change it up. We just follow your lead. You are the boss around here these days.
For a long time you went to bed around 9:00pm, which was a bit late for us since it meant we didn't eat dinner until late, or we had to eat dinner in shifts. You are more needy in the evening. We can't really put you down to play on your own. You want our sole attention and you want to be held.

Lately, the evening routine has been great and i wouldn't mind it staying like that. It's interesting how it changes. Right now this is what we are doing:

5:30 am (ish) - you wake up for the day. I bring you into bed to nurse. Sometimes, we both fall back asleep for a little bit. Those are the best of mornings.

7:00 am (ish) - we all get up. I change your diaper and dress you for the day.

7:15 am (ish) - on a nice morning, Papa takes you and Bella for a walk

7:50 am (ish) - we all go upstairs and get ready for work. You play on the floor while we shower, etc.

8:20 am (ish) - I nurse you before we leave to drop you off at day care

9:00 am - 5:15pm - you are at day care, we are at work

5:15 pm - we pick you up

5:30 pm - I nurse you (sometimes in bed so I can close my eyes for a couple of minutes)

6:00 pm - You have the daily special (solid food). Interestingly, you keep sucking your thumb after every spoon, or your foot! I guess it helps the food to stay in your mouth and your thumb/feet probably taste yummy with pear all over it. It's messy though!

6:15 pm (ish) - every other day you take a bath, sometimes every day

6:25 pm, (ish) - I get you ready for bed. You are usually pretty fussy at this point.

6:30 - 7:00pm - You'll get your bed time bottle of formula. By this point I don't have any more breast milk left since we just nursed an hour ago. Plus supply is low in the evening.

7:00 pm - we sing and/or read a couple of stories

7:15-7:30pm - i rock you to sleep and carry you into your bed.

This leaves us just enough time to cook and eat dinner and get to bed by 9:30pm. i definitely need my eight hours of sleep (if I am lucky and you don't wake up during the night).


Big Boys

We had a great weekend enjoying the outdoors. The weather has been so beautiful lately. We need to take advantage of these final days of warmth before we are stuck inside for the winter. You enjoyed the huge rocks in the James River.

Since it hasn't rained in weeks, the water level is extremely low and we were able to almost cross the river via the huge rocks. Your papa jumped from one rock to the next with you in the baby Bjorn. It scared me half to death, but I think I have to get used to it. This is only the beginning of all sorts of adventures he will take you on. I am usually not one to easily get scared. In fact, I was quiet the tomboy myself growing up. My friends and I would jump over creeks, across rivers, off of trees, ride unicycles, juggle fire, etc. I broke my share of bones and the hospital knew me by name. Before running off for the afternoon to play outside, my mom would tell me that she has no time to drive me to the hospital today and that I better be careful. It's funny that I am the one that gets scared now. I have a vivid imagination when it comes to all the possible things that could happen to you. Oh man, it's going to be hard. You are not even a toddler yet.

Another highlight of the weekend was the deals we found at the yard sales Saturday morning.
We got some great clothes for you - overalls, pants, PJ's, shirts, 3 pairs of shoes (including the cutest New Balance tennis shoes), jacket, radio flyer wagon, play mat and some other toys - all for $15. Everything is in great shape too. I think some of the pants were actually never worn since it still had the nylon thingy for the tag. I am not surprised that some clothes will not be worn since you little baby's grow like weeds. From now on I will skip old navy and check out the yard sales instead (at least I'll try :))

We found out at the doctor today that you are 28" long, 15.12 pounds and 17 3/4 head circumference. Long and lean (and a BIG head). I wouldn't be surprised if that will be the case in 16 years too.



Just a short 6 months ago you were skin and bones. It's incredible for me to look at these pictures now and think about all that has happened, not just how you have changed, but how our lives are different now. It's hard to think back about a life that didn't include you.

Even though we were happy before, it's not comparable to how happy we are now, with you. It's incredible to think about how this time last year, you were just a little bigger than a peanut. It's astonishing that you become a human being inside my body - how in the world is that possible? I still have a hard time comprehending that. I guess biology/science has never been my strength. It makes me smile when I get to tell someone that I have a son, a little baby, this person that is a part of me, that will always be a part of me and without a doubt the most important person in my life. It gives me chills.


6 Months!

The last six months felt like the fastest six months ever. You are growing and changing incredibly fast! You are sleeping through the night more and more, which is oh soooo great for us. Of course there are still nights where you wake up frequently, but those happen less and less (hopefully I am not jinxing it!), usually when you are about to reach another milestone or are bothered by coughing, teething, etc.

You have been babbling a lot more too, especially in the mornings. After your breakfast, you lie in between us while we try to get a couple of more minutes of sleep and you just start talking, talking, and talking. It's pretty funny. Waking up to your stories is delightful.

You have started to hold the bottle all by yourself which seems like a major step to me. It already makes you less of a baby. I just can't believe how fast this is all happening.

Last weekend we started introducing solid foods. I know you have been ready for it for a while as you love to watch us eat. You eagerly accepted the banana and rice cereal. Hopefully you will be as passionate about good food as we are.

You are definitely starting to look more like a little boy and not just a baby anymore. We will have to wait for the measurements when we go to the doctor next week for your 6 month check up.

Of course you are taking everything in your mouth that you can get your hands on. Sometimes you even try to take a big bite off my face and neck! It's pretty funny.

You are also becoming much more mobile. You can turn in every direction and somehow move yourself from one end of the blanket to the other. People keep saying that we should enjoy this time before you can really move around and all we'll be doing is running behind you protecting you from dangerous corners and stairs.


Two years ago

Happy Anniversary Frank!


Beautiful in many ways

We had a perfect morning. Not only did you sleep through the entire night (11 hours) and I feel fresh and full of energy, this morning I got to dress you in cold weather clothes! We woke up to a beautiful fall morning - dark blue sky, yellow trees, and cool air. I was delighted to get out the corduroys, socks and sweater for you. Of course I had to have a little photo shoot after getting you dressed :)

You, papa, and Bella went on your morning walk to the park to throw the ball for Bella (Erika, your cousin Antonia and Alicia's grandmother, made this amazing cardigan for you).

To top it all off, today is Friday! We have two full days to all be together. This is a big weekend for us too. You will be 6 months on Sunday, it's our two year wedding anniversary, and we are going to start you on solids! I can't wait.



Thank god for coffee

Phew, last night was tough. I am pretty sure it's due to teething. You are also fighting a cough, which constantly wakes you up. I probably got 4.5 hours of sleep in between nursing and rocking you. My body is in overdrive today trying to get through the day. My eyes are burning. I don't know what I would do without coffee. I can't wait to get home for snack & nap (you nurse, I nap).


Email from April 18th

* this is an email i sent to Cate & Ginny April 18th. Since I didn't start this blog until recently, I will add some emails I wrote during the first couple of months of your life, my only documentation of that time. Be aware of graphic details.

hello there,

Just waking up from a short nap. My breasts are sore as hell and hanging from me like sand bags. Breast feeding is going well though considering it's challenges. last time I fed him, 2 hours ago, my breasts were like fountains of milk, literally overflowing. It's crazy. I can't get him to eat enough. I am supposed to feed him every 2-3 hours during the day. He sleeps so much, I spend a lot of time trying to wake him up so that he can eat. Often times when it seems like I got him to wake up, as soon as he latches on he falls back asleep.....so keeping him awake is challenging too! But when he does latch on and eats, it's an awesome feeling (even though it burns).
We already had to go to the pediatrician today. It went well. He likes riding in the car and barely cried the entire time. He got his hepatitis B vaccine and they checked his vitals. He also gained two ounces since leaving the hospital yesterday, which is great. baby's actually loose weight after they are born. His birth weight was 8.3 pounds and when we left the hospital he was 7.6 pounds. In about a week he should be back to his birth weight.

Leaving the hospital yesterday went well. I was totally disoriented when we drove home and felt like I just got out of a long movie. It was weird. Part of me was definitely looking forward to getting home, and the other part was nervous. I had a great experience being in the hospital. The care was outstanding. All the nurses were super nice and helpful. I wish I could have taken them with me! They have nurses that come by just to help you with breast feeding. It was a nice feeling to know you can ring the bell any second and someone will come and help you. Miles didn't make one beep the whole ride home which was reassuring. He rarely cries - mostly when we change his diaper. the first hour at home was a bit frantic but after we got settled it felt good. there are definitely more details I could get into.....there are so many feelings, emotions....my mind is still trying to catch up with my body and reality. I am still trying to understand that I don't have a baby in me anymore. Obviously he is here now, but sometimes my mind just can't catch up.

Frank has been awesome. he is great with Miles and he is doing a great job taking care of me. I am supposed to limit walking up the stairs to twice daily, so I pretty much live upstairs. Last night I went downstairs for dinner for one hour. I am still on pain medicine, which helps to take off the edge. i can walk around OK, but not great. I try to fit in little naps whenever possible. The day seems to pass in a heart beat. I am sorry not to have called you all back yet, there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day.

he is such a wonderful baby, I feel so lucky. I didn't know that baby's could smell that good, are so soft and adorable. the whole thing is more amazing than I can write, especially while sleep deprived, on Percocet, and owner of two heavy ass burning breasts.

i apologize that this email is very disorganized, but this is the best I can do right now.

time to wake up miles.....wish me luck.