
This girl knows what she wants
she has attitude
personality with a capital P
says no
all the time
gives hugs that melt your heart
she is fast
all the time
likes ice cream
adores her brother
loves dogs
says apple
and has seven teeth


yummy cheeks....
this big boy:

- recently learned how to dress himself.

- always has a basket or bag of animals with him (usually a variety of stuffed animals, plastic, and wood).

- is getting better at sharing with his sister

- is almost four years old (really?)

- loves to ride his bike to the park

- likes to build forts


This little girl:

- has new red shoes that make her (and me) smile

- loves to read books, especially The Wheels on the Bus and anything with dogs

- loves to walk anywhere

- needs to do everything herself

- can have high quality tantrums

- loves to slide on the playground (the big ones too)

- wants to do everything Miles does