
Today was a day that I wasn't proud of my parenting style. Not enough patience and too much "no!". I was on my own for the day and Miles was being bad for the first half of the day. Didn't listen to anything, and being just plain annoying. Part of the problem was me too. I didn't have any patience for his behavior and now regret some of my responses. Thankfully after his nap he was a complete angel.

Right now, at 9pm, is the most quiet and peaceful time of the day. Tired from a long day of care taking. The best part - no one wants anything from me.

Melodie started eating solids this weekend. Banana and rice cereal. Can't believe she is six months. Here is Miles at six months.


I could take pictures of the two of them all day long. I just can't get enough. The three of us just spent 30 minutes giggling in bed together before bed time. We all kept each other laughing. It was just great. Life is good these days. Melodie has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now which has changed everything. I am glad those sleepless nights are over, at least for the most part.

Miles turns 3!

A few weeks ago we had a little party for Miles' third birthday. Life was nuts around that time - work was intense, Melodie wasn't sleeping, I wasn't sleeping, and it broke my heart that I didn't have much energy to devote to his birthday. But the party was fun anyways and Miles was as happy as he could be. And that is all that really matters.

His friends Evie and Kendall helped him with his presents.

Evie gave him an awesome new game!

Three seems like a big deal. He is nearly potty trained, he can wash his own hair, he says things like: "Bless you!" and"Mama, I like your dress!" His favorite thing to do is play in the back yard with the hose and dirt and dig for worms. He also likes to "run as fast as the wind!"
And he is as sweet as he could be with Melodie. First thing he said when he woke up today from his nap was "Mama, I like Melodie!" We are lucky to have a son like Miles.


Her hair has a life of it's own
Bringing out the soft washed-1000-times osh-kosh overalls is always a joyous occasion
The joy and happiness this girl radiates is intoxicating.