
Bathroom treasures

Miles recently discovered the drawer in our bathroom. It is filled with exciting things like shaving cream, deodorant, brushes, hair bands, lotions, and soaps. Who knew the world was this interesting!

He has also discovered the toilet paper...! and guess what, there is a lot of paper to unroll and play with. Oh yeah. And don't forget the toilet. Bathrooms can be very entertaining.


Chairs are fun

Last night before going to bed, Miles had a blast sitting on this chair (make sure you have the sound on).



You stuff your mouth dangerously full with waffles. Your mouth gets so full you can hardly chew and we get nervous that you might choke. Yet you don't seem to respond when we ask you to slow down and that you don't have to worry about the waffles being eaten by someone else if you don't eat them really fast.


Happy Birthday Miles!

It has been a fun-filled birthday weekend here. With family, friends and dogs, we celebrated the big ONE. Miles ate his first cup cake (the entire thing) with much enjoyment. He also experienced balloons & waffles for the first time. And look at that awesome red car!



It's nice to let you crawl around in the yard. We don't have to worry too much about you getting hurt. Grass and dirt is mostly soft. As long as you don't eat too much dirt, it's the best place to let you explore. You seem to enjoy it and we get some yard work done.

You don't hesitate to crawl into the flower beds and in between the herbs and plants.



We are still here. Miles has fun with all the records in our house. I am glad, since there are a lot of them. Does he realize that eventually they will all be his? Will he want them?

Not a lot of time these days to write. The new job is NEW and is taking up all my energy right now. My brain feels completely full by the end of the day. Full of new information, ideas, things to do. It's a lot to process. Last week was a big opening at the gallery. Miles was there too, all dressed up in his little button down shirt, charming everyone with his big cheeks and smile. Even though I had to work the crowd, it was nice to see him in the corner of my eyes.

Now we are preparing for the big birthday party next Sunday. Someone is turning ONE! Now that our own birthdays get less and less exciting, it's nice to have Miles' birthdays to look forward to.

The trees are turning green again, azaleas are blooming. We planted a couple of trees in the backyard recently, an apple and a cherry tree. They are small, but blooming. Miles has already enjoyed playing in the dirt. April showers are here too unfortunately.
