
Good times with grandma

It's been nice and relaxing around here. Cold days, fire all day long, big pots of soup, and hours of play. Last week we had a four-day weekend honoring Martin Luther King, Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson (only in Virginia!). As always, we had a great time with Grandma Margaret. You find her hilarious, especially when she coughs.

Papa and I got to go to the movies to see "There will be blood." It was heavy but very good. I read a lot (Alternadad) and made progress on your sweater, or sweater vest, depending on if I will have the time and patience to make sleeves...lets just hope it will be done before the weather gets warm.


9 months

When I was at the nine month mark in my pregnancy, I could hardly wait any longer. I wanted to meet you soo badly. Your room was ready, your clothes were washed, diapers bought, etc. It felt strange being in your room, a room that was ready for someone I didn't know yet. All I knew was your name, and that most likely you were going to be a boy. I was also ready to get my body back. It was nice sharing it with you, but at that point I had enough.

The other day at the grocery store you were sitting in your car seat in the shopping cart making loud and happy sounds. You like being loud and hearing yourself. We get a lot of attention too. One guy came up and asked how old you were. I immediately noticed that he looked really tired. He then said that he has a three month old at home. He noted how much of a difference there is between a 3 and a 9 month old. There sure is. I couldn't help but think back to the days when you were three months old. When I was happy with 5 hours of sleep. I was proud of you when you slept three hours straight at night before wanting to eat. I almost told the guy "it gets better, you will sleep again," but I didn't. Everyone knows it's just a stage, even though it can seem like forever. Once it is over, it feels like it was no big deal and you almost kind of miss the infancy stage.

You have two bottom teeth, you can sit for long periods of time without falling, you are very mobile and are almost crawling. You eat a lot more solid food and eat more or less everything that is being offered. You are much more focused on what you do and have started to really play with your toys. It's not just "eating" toys anymore, you really play with them for long periods of time. You are fascinated by any kind of tag. You must first inspect the tag on toys, blankets, clothes, etc. When you sit on the floor next to your basket of toys, you take them out one by one. This occupies you for quiet some time. The johnny jump up is still a big hit (you are in it right now). Up and down and around it goes. Bella watches you which you and her find very entertaining. You two really get along. She makes you laugh and you have no fears. You like giving her your hand to lick and sometimes your face...she will be the closest to a sibling for a while. Your BIG HAIRY sister.

We lowered the crib and attached the shelf in your room to the wall. I have recently heard a lot about the dangers of furniture falling and crushing babies/kids. So scary. The chances are small, but it makes you want to bolt everything to the wall.


Looking Ahead

Starting a new year is exciting. I am excited about all the new experiences we will have together and to watch you grow and develop. I am looking forward to discover the world with you, to appreciate the small things, and to go on big adventures. Myself, I am hoping to develop my creative side, maybe take an art class, or to just make stuff. I love it too much to never do it. It's always on the back burner, even though it's important to me. Soon we can get creative together. I also want to make time to go to more yoga/pilates classes. I want to live fully and in the moment.

Merry Family

The best part about the holidays is hanging out with family and friends. It's the time of year when everyone makes an effort to get together. We live 6 hours away from our families, so it definitely requires an effort. Your aunt Marie came all the way from New York. We all spent over a week together.
Unfortunately, half of the time you had a double ear infection. We kept thinking it was teething but when on the fifth day you still didn't seem better, I called your pediatrician who recommended that we go find a doctor in Charleston to figure out if it could be your ears that are bothering you. Luckily we knew who to call. He even came over to the house which was great. I felt horrible that we didn't call the doctor earlier to relieve you of the pain. So many symptoms can be due to teething like fever, loss of appetite, crankiness, night waking, etc., so it's hard to know what's happening. We had to put you on antibiotics (argh) and infant Tylenol. You almost instantly felt better. I promise I will call the doctor sooner next time.

Our friends Ginny, Chris, Cate and Aaron came to visit us for a couple of days. It was the first time for Ginny to meet you (she lives in LA). She and Cate are my best friends from high school, so it was really special to see them interact with you. Next year, there will also be a little baby girl with us. She is still in Cate's belly. Can't wait!

This year we spent most of Christmas Eve with your papa's side of the family. Even though you weren't feeling like yourself, you enjoyed eating the wrapping paper. You received tons of cool toys and clothes. We have video footage of that night but no pics.

On Christmas day we took the annual Franke family photo. No matter how many pictures we take, there is never one where everyone looks to the camera, smiles or has their eyes open. We had two new members this year, you and Clay! We always have room for more guys :) This is not the official version since four very important people were missing. Your aunt Nastja and her family that live in Germany. You still have yet to meet them (hopefully this year). We will add them to this picture manually.

We also took a family picture with your other side of the family. I'll post that once I get a copy.

2007 is closed and we will certainly never forget that year. The year of Miles and much happiness for us.