
Where is time?

This is to tell you that I don't have time to report on the awesome Thanksgiving trip we had. I added a few pictures to the slideshow - see upper right. You can click on it to see the picture in a larger format. There are way more pictures, but I haven't had time to add them yet. Plus it took me way too long to figure out how to add the slideshow. Anyway, this weekend will hopefully offer some free time (does that still exist?) for me to add pictures and tell you all about how "Super Miles" was super.


Places to go, Things to see

I put you on your blanket in the living room with all your toys and go into the kitchen to make my breakfast. A couple of minutes later I come back and see that you have made your way UNDER the coffee table!! This must be your way of celebrating your 7 month birthday. I couldn't believe my eyes. You also managed to take some of your toys with you including this wooden horse on wheels that was given to me as a kid. I am amazed that you can move around like that now (I am sure you are too).

It's hilarious to see you scoot around on the floor. You have also hit your head a few times which has left big bumps on your head. It doesn't seem to hurt you though as you never cry when that happens. It seems hard for you not to move around even when you drink your bottle. You end up turning onto your stomach only to become frustrated as you can't drink that way. Sitting up by yourself is not your favorite thing to do. You can almost hold your own balance, but you rather explore the world scooting around.


Sunshine all around

Three-day weekends are the absolute best. There is time for a little bit of everything.

Marie, Clay & Daphne came to visit from New York. It was exciting to see Daphne meet you for the first time. I grew up with her and her twin sister Vera. We share wonderful memories together which will connect us for the rest of our lives. I hope you will make friends like that.
It's surreal to think about when we would talk about what we might do when we grow up or what we might be like, and how much fun it will be when our kids play together.

After dropping Daphne off in Washington, DC, we went over to our friends Marc and Jia who are expecting their little boy in early February - another future buddy of yours. Sunday we spent the entire day at home, which was nice after two busy and lively days.



Another work trip behind me. I have a major Miles deficit which I won't really get to "fix" until the weekend or ever. By the time we get home each evening, we have two hours with each other before you go to bed.

When I came home last night, you were laying on the sofa drinking your last bottle. Your eyes sparkled and you made your gurgle happy to see you sounds when you saw me just like when we pick you up from day care. It's heartbreaking.

What I know for sure is that you are well taken care off at your day care. We couldn't be happier with the women that cares for you and I know you like her too. I feel extremely lucky that I found her. However, it doesn't diminish the feeling of guilt knowing that you spend more time with her than with us.



Our first Halloween was a blast. We went for a walk in a neighborhood that goes all out for Halloween. The decorations were fantastic and some actually succeeded at being creepy. It was the kind of atmosphere that made me want to be a kid again. Crowds of kids and their parents filled the streets, the air was crisp but not chilly, and pumpkins in various moods looked on. I can't wait for next year when Miles can actually walk up to the homes and get us some candy.

Here is super-pumpkin about to take off:

I somehow managed to have two heads - pretty scary!


First word?

Aaaabbbaabbbabbabbaaaabbbbaa....that's what you keep saying. I think it sounds like Mama, but that's just me.

You have been the super happy baby lately, gurgling, babbling, and giggling. Check it out for yourself:

Note: Sorry for the angle, I didn't know that it would do that when I changed camera from horizontal to vertical...oops.