
This guy is doing much better. The worst is over and we are very happy about that. It's been nearly 2.5 weeks since his surgery. He walks more every day and is returning back to himself. He even went shopping for records already.

Visiting Papa in bed is a favorite. Especially now that we have a magic bed that moves up and down.

daily park adventures

Thankfully the weather has been very spring like and we can go outside every day. Those days everyone is happiest. Since Max entered our lives, and since he is a hunting dog, Miles is into going hunting. With sticks in hand, Max at his side, off he goes into the woods. Hunting.

Melodie is not far behind. Usually with a runny nose, a smile, and dirt all over face and hands, she keeps up with the boys pretty well.

Melodie can say Mama, Papa, and Bye Bye. Her word for dog is gogo. She gets very excited about dogs and has no fear. Often times the first thing she says when waking up from her nap is "gogo??"


Waiting for Frank to get out of back surgery. This is hopefully the beginning of a life free of back pain for him. The road to recovery will be long and we are looking forward to the destination.

We have been explaining to Miles what to expect when he comes home from the hospital and that he will need to rest in his bed a lot. Of course he has been asking why? about everything. He asked if Papa can run fast (this is somehow important to him). "He can run fast now but after the surgery he won't be able to run fast for a while until he gets better." " But I want Papa to run fast!" Tears started filling his eyes. "You don't need to get upset Miles, Papa will be all better very soon." "But I want him to run fast! I am not upset, I just have water in my eyes."

I know it's going to be hard for Miles to understand that Papa will need uninterrupted rest and won't be able to read books all day long to him, or play dogies, or dinosaurs.

Some pictures from the last few weeks: