
Welcome to the world Melodie

Melodie Margaret was born on December 1, 2009 at 10:48 am (two minutes later than her brother). A big girl at 8 pounds 8 ounces and 20.5 inches long and lots of dark hair. My attempt at a VBAC was successful which I am very happy about.
Miles was excited to meet his sister. "Baby came out!" he repeated for the first few days.
Most of the time he is very sweet with her and seems to like having her around. He is learning to be gentle with her. We have to remind him many, many times to be gentle, quiet and careful with her.

It's already been three weeks (already!)and I am happy to almost be fully recovered from the birth. We are adjusting well to our new dynamics and have already survived a family cold (so far Melodie has been spared, however even Bella is sick).

Melodie has been pretty easy going so far. She is sleeping well at night (3-5 hours at a time) and has gained more than a pound in two weeks. It all seems easier the second time around.