
Rewind: mid-August

Drove down to Charleston, SC, to visit family back in August - the last time before baby Melodie arrives. It was the first time all the little cousins on my side of the family were together: Alicia, Antonia, Louise, Violette, and Miles. It's a special occasion since half of them live in Germany.

Miles closely observed what the big girls were up to.

Miles met some big fish and other sea creatures at the Aquarium.


Sleep interrupted

I realize that stress impacts sleep and that being nearly 30 weeks pregnant doesn't help. The frustrating part is that I wouldn't be as stressed if I could just get a full night's sleep. I wake up consistently every night and can't go back to sleep for several hours - last night 3. During those dreaded hours I stress out about that I am not asleep and how tired I will be the next morning. My mind just won't shut up. Argh. Hopefully that will pass once this big work thing is over. I have also read that it's the body's way of preparing for the newborn infant sleepless night stage that I will be facing very soon. At this rate, I should be very prepared.

In other news, Miles has graduated to a big boy bed. A twin mattress on a wooden platform his papa built. The transition has been surprisingly smooth. The first couple of mornings, he would still call out our name, as he used to do when sleeping in his crib, letting us know he was awake and ready to be picked up. I had to remind him that he could now get out of bed himself! By now he happily comes out of his bed in the morning and walks over into our room. The only difference now is that he likes to keep the light on when he first falls asleep - but that might be because he can reach the switch to the lamp near his bed which he couldn't do before. He definitely likes to do everything himself "my did it" (his way of saying that he wants to do something himself), which is everything. He is 2.5 years old afteral.