
The Birthday Party

A few days after his birthday, we had his party in our backyard. Three of his friends came over including Michael, Fin, and Eva. Other people in attendance were Natalia, our beloved babysitter who made a dinosaur (see above picture) out of paper-mache! His name is Charlie. Angie, John and Grandmama also came.

A rare family photo....not easy with little ones that wiggle away after half a minute.

Lucky boy got many presents and dinosaurs was a common theme. This made him very happy.

...flying paper airplanes.

One of our gifts was a magnifying glass (the ladybug) so he can look at all the bugs he finds in the yard up close and personal.

This was the first year he really got into his birthday. He understood what it meant and was very, very excited about it all.


Miles turns 4

His birthday started with the family celebration at breakfast (cake for breakfast, yes!). His presents included a life caterpillar farm which included 4 little catarpillars in a jar. We have been watching them grow this last week. Right now they are all in their cocoons waiting to become butterflies.

Later we all went to a little zoo and in the evening grandpapa, deidei and Harriet came over for dinner.

A few days later we had his birthday party.