
Melodie's Birthday Party

We had a sunny day for your birthday party.

Ready. Waiting.

Where is everyone?

Here they are! Let the party begin.


new books!

new glasses!

your favorite swinging style

Two is a big one. So many changes begin at two. You are already talking in full sentences adding new words every day. You are developing your independence and opinions quickly. You tell me what you want to wear in the morning, what you want to eat, and when and what you want to play. You also command that I wear my hair in a ponytail (this is a must for you). You love taking care of babies (there are several) and dogies (there are more than several). You love to dance and play music. You love, love to eat apples.

Two years ago...

One year ago...

Sweet, sweet Melodie. We love your dearly.

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